woman in an office

Direct Marketing Manager


Significant experience of delivering DM campaigns

Management and implementation of monthly DM offline campaigns.

Maintaining customer marketing and transactional channel preferences in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and compliance regulations and tracking the number of opportunities through regular MI reporting.

Experience in briefing and managing external suppliers.

Proven track record of delivering results against targets

Brief and manage external suppliers to ensure brief/objectives are met on time and within agreed budget.

Understand the profile of customers, and value of these customers.  Use these findings to feed into DM campaigns and adjustments to current campaigns where appropriate.

Understanding of other demand areas of the business (e.g. Outbound) using knowledge and expertise to help influence, guide these areas to ensure all possible opportunities to drive demand are being met.

Understanding of other demand areas of the business (e.g. Outbound) using knowledge and expertise to help influence, guide these areas to ensure all possible opportunities to drive demand are being met.


Ability to create and send campaigns in-house via distribution tools – i.e. Silverpop

Create and distribute campaigns in-house through manually selecting required data, inputting html creative and distributing via Email/SMS tool

Ensure creation of bespoke campaigns created against relevant products

Able to effectively give and receive feedback and act on that feedback to improve themselves and the department

Experience in testing via tools – such as Litmus

Experience in using CRM tools and data segmentation.

Experience of Campaign management.

Experience of emails and SMS testing and sending.

Management of the companies IP addresses to ensure address management is fully optimised and meets best practice.

Experience in briefing and managing external suppliers.

Cost management of campaigns /budget management.

Regular reporting on activity to demonstrate attribution, results and returns, and using results for continuous improvement in efficiency of activity.

Pre and Post campaign analysis to inform business decisions to increase overall ROI

Experience of providing data and analysis with interpretation, under strict deadlines.

Clear understanding of effective construction of HTML emails to drive open rate and deliver ROI.

Proactively and independently undertake regular reporting within agreed criteria set by line manager.

Experience in testing campaigns by device to understand rendering.

Experience in setting up campaign management tools and tracking.

Mapping out and understanding key customer contact points to optimise the customer journey.


A team player who has the ability to work with minimal supervision

 Undertake such other duties, training and/or hours of work as may be reasonably required and which are consistent with the general level of responsibility of this role.

Manage the creative process, ensuring the brief is met and delivers against objectives set.

Problem identification and solving

Interpret results and make recommendations for DM activity based on findings

Maintain a positive and solution oriented approach to work, providing open and honest feedback.

Upskilling and demonstrating own awareness of key industry regulatory requirements and the impact of these on transactional communications and customer outcomes

Undertake such other duties, training and/or hours of work as may be reasonably required, and which are consistent with the general level of responsibility of this role.

To actively support and encourage at all times, compliance with our quality principles, company policies and best practice in security, legal and regulatory requirements

To be aware of and understand Atlanta’s Whistleblowing Procedure and Code of Conduct.  To question and act upon concerns about malpractice or wrongdoing by following the Atlanta’s Whistleblowing Procedure

In all internal and external contact, present a professional and positive image of the department, the team and the company as well as maintaining mutually constructive, positive and beneficial relationships.

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