people in an office

Communication & Engagement Executive


Support delivery of Atlanta Pulse actions and People Commitments that support colleagues to understand the goals and vision of the organisation

Understanding of how to plan and prioritise communications, to focus on activity that will have the most impact and uses the time of our people most effectively.

To support the Communications and Engagement Team in the creation and implementation of all communication and colleague engagement activities to enhance local employer branding, employee satisfaction and help to improve engagement.

Provide communications advice and support to managers so they can be more effective in communicating to people on issues that have the most business impact and via the right channels


Reward & Recognition - Long term service, prize ordering, voucher requisitions, incentives and initiatives for both those in office and for those at home

Liaising with Atlanta Group Corporate Affairs team to submit all data for the Atlanta communications grid and Group wide events such as Spotlight, Give Back Day etc.

Managing and uploading content to our collaboration platform, Engage. Use Engage analytics to understand usage, users, Applause data etc. Manage the HR and MI data supply for Engage users. Ensure there is clear ownership and accountability for keeping pages updated

Responsible for the organisation and upkeep of the Atlanta Communications Mailbox and calendar – responding to emails and ensuring complete service, diary acceptances for events such as Wellness4Life Cafes, Drop in sessions etc.

Facebook and social media - upkeep, create content, following comms plan and replicating internal content on Atlanta People Facebook page

Support improvement and embedding of Atlanta culture, values and employee engagement through communications for key programmes such as Reward & Recognition, Charity & Community, Diversity & Inclusion, Wellness4life etc. Support SMEs to draft content to ensure it is shared consistently across all Atlanta brands


Ensure your own continuous professional development by participating in external networking / conferences /associations / groups, to stay current on Industry developments & innovations. Encourage, support and coach other team members in their own development.

Attend and support community events / seminars / meetings / networking events / charity support/ festivals etc.

Use creative approaches to engage colleagues in the messages ensuring transparent and impactful communications and develop a steady stream of written/digital content with the guidance of senior members of the team to help our people understand what is happening within the business and in the broader organization (organisational updates, blog videos, presentations etc.)

Investment in self learning and development

Maintain a positive and solution oriented approach to work, providing open and honest feedback.

Working with stakeholders across Atlanta to develop site specific communication support e.g. Facilities, ISS, Risk etc.

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